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5 Tips on Caring for ALS Patients


ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS is a neuro-degenerative disease that affects the control of your voluntary muscles. If you have this, you will have more difficulty walking, chewing your food, and talking. It gets worse over time. If you have a loved one diagnosed with this, here are some ways to give better care to them:

  • Understand ALS. ALS is a progressive disease, which means there is no cure for it (perhaps, for now), and will continue to degrade your motor neurons until your brain loses complete control over your voluntary movements. Having knowledge on the symptoms, the complications, and what happens to those affected by it, will help you to better cater to their needs. You will never know how it is until you walk in their shoes, but reading and listening to medical facts will help you better understand it.

  • Look Out for Signs of Depression. It’s not easy having diseases or illnesses that are incurable. Most patients will feel pity on themselves for having it, and it is our job to keep them healthy and happy. If you notice that they are more quiet or that they eat less, tell them they can open up to you about anything–even feelings of loneliness.

  • Find an ALS Support Group. Part of living with ALS is knowing you are not alone. There are others putting up a good fight too. Take your loved one to a support group and there, you will meet people who may have more years of experience with the disease and can teach you how to better go about by your day-to-day life. Share your experiences, too, so others can learn from it.

  • Take Care of Yourself Too. Sometimes when we give care to others, we forget that we are also humans and can get tired. Make sure you do something once a while to soothe your body and mind. Go for a jog, attend yoga classes, go dancing, or eat good food and wine. Whatever it is that will help you feel better and take care of your loved one better.

  • Hire a Home Health Caregiver. Have more time to do your work, and take care of yourself and other family members. Your caregiver must be carefully selected and screened to make sure you are employing someone who will not hurt your loved one.

If you are looking for In-Home Care in Newton MA, we will be able to help you! 24 Hours Care is dedicated to giving only the finest quality of Home Care Services to all our clients. With your busy work schedule, we understand that life is hard when you don’t have anyone to help with taking care of your loved ones. Visit our website at or call us at 617-559-9900 or 617-244-4676 to learn more about how we can assist you. We look forward to hearing from you today!

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